Faith a Great Tree - Also from Charles Peguy's La Mystère des Saints Innocents in the twelfth workbook jottings for the fifth centenary year (1912) of the birth of Joan of Arc, translated by Anne Primavesi and Colin Carr
Hope - From Charles Peguy's La Mystère des Saints Innocents in the twelfth workbook jottings for the fifth centenary year (1912) of the birth of Joan of Arc, translated by Anne Primavesi and Colin Carr
on how science and religion have a common purpose: to combat climate change, 21 September 2014 (5 mins)
The 1992 Earth Charter created by NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) for the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, 1992.
Ecology, feminism and Christianity after UNCED, the summer lecture in St Andrew's parish church, Chippenham, May 1992
Westar Institute 2002
After the publication of Sacred Gaia in 2000, Anne was awarded the D. F. Strauss medal for outstanding contributions towards religious literacy. Here she is receiving the award:
At the 2004 Spring meeting of the Westar Institute in the Marriott Hotel in New York, Anne was asked to preside over three scholars (all men) who were to give three 20 minute presentations. They ignored Anne completely, introducing one another, commenting to one another over her head and inviting questions from the audience without reference to the chair.
At the end of the session, Anne remarked casually that the session had demonstrated that male hierarchies were still active and well even among Westar fellows, but hey! What could she expect being only a Roman Catholic woman.
The conference ended, as was traditional, with a banquet. Unbeknownst to Anne, Bishop Richard Holloway, Professor Art Dewey and Bishop Jack Spong (and his wife) made secret preparations in reparation as to how she had been treated earlier. Anne was summoned from her table and solemnly ordained bishop, presented with a golden mitre bejewelled with coloured sweets and a scroll signed by all three. It was the only time Mark had known her ever to be at a complete loss for words as she was cheered by the assembled guests none of whom were in on the secret other than Bob Funk. The photo shows Bob and Anne together before the banquet. No one had a camera to hand to record the event - no phones with cameras in those days.